Skin and Hair Care

Does Sweat Cause Acne?

Getting to the bottom of sweat-based breakouts

Posted on June 2, 2024 Written by: 100% PURE ®

The difference between looking glowy versus greasy is a little bit of sweat. With warmer months ahead, sweat is becoming a consistent reality. One question reigns king in the summer months: does sweat cause acne? It’s crossed all of our minds at some point, and frankly, we’re ready for some answers!

We can’t control when we sweat, where we sweat, or how much we sweat. What we can do is focus on clean skincare and all-natural ingredients that support healthy, clear skin. Here’s a closer read on body sweat, the link with body acne, and what exactly is happening to our makeup when we’re breaking a sweat.

The Missing Link Between Sweat and Acne

Does sweat cause acne? We’ve been asking ourselves that question since grade school. The short answer is no: sweat itself does not cause acne. But it certainly doesn’t help the cause for clear skin, either. In certain circumstances, sweat can make acne-prone skin and existing breakouts a little worse.

There’s a missing link between sweat and breakouts: bacteria. It’s the true culprit behind many of our blemishes. There’s nothing inherently dirty about sweat; sure, it is one of the ways our body releases toxins, but sweat itself is mostly water and salt. So why the aching red zits and unwanted texture after a particularly heavy workout? The answer is bacteria.

Many of us have existing acne-causing bacteria on the parts of our bodies that naturally sweat. Take the hairline, for example. It’s a place that many of us touch unconsciously throughout the day. Not only does it collect makeup residue and hold onto it quite easily, but oils and products from our hair and scalp can easily migrate to this area.

Now we’ll think twice when pulling our hair back into an aggressive pony, stuffing our strands into a less-than-fresh dad hat, or locking our fringe out of place with a bandana or headband. Those actions create the perfect breeding ground for a pimple – one that’s seemingly caused by sweating but was triggered by the transfer of bacteria.

Now that we know what sweating doesn’t cause, let’s explore what’s really going on when we sweat.

The Science of Sweat

Many of us assume that sweat is caused by physical activity, and in some ways that’s true. Sweat can actually be caused by physical stress, emotional stress, or temperature increases.

Stop to think about all the times you sweat each day – look beyond those living room yoga sessions. You could sweat while lounging in the warm summer sun, or thinking about our celebrity crush. Maybe it was that fraud alert from the bank that tipped our sweat-o-meters over the edge. But how can something happening externally trigger acne?

The problem isn’t that we sweat, but where we sweat can cause some problems. Areas that experience a lot of friction or trap heat and bacteria are far more likely to experience a bump or blemish. This is true for both our body and our face.

So, is there a difference between body sweat and facial sweat? Temperature increases are one of the main causes of sweating, and the materials we wear can either exacerbate the problem or lead to calming and cooling. Choosing light, breathable fabric isn’t just important for keeping our body temperature down; it’s also a great way to avoid body acne.

Body Acne Blues
Does sweat cause acne on the body? Again, the direct answer here is no.

Body acne is relatively common and perfectly normal for all genders. Common areas for body acne include the back, shoulders, and chest – though other areas can experience breakouts too.

Body blemishes are extremely common. Over half of those dealing with regular acne also experience acne on the body. So what causes body acne? If you hadn’t guessed, it’s many of the same things that cause facial acne. Oftentimes an excess in sebum, dry skin, clogged pores and tight fabrics, and/or friction will contribute to a breakout.

PRO TIP: Avoid sweat-related breakouts by thoroughly cleaning sweaty areas before you start to perspire. The less dirt already on the surface of our skin – anywhere on the body – the less likely we are to break out. The secret is to use gentle cleansers and antibacterial ingredients for the best results.

Outside of prescribed skin care and topical treatments, body acne can be mild or nearly non-existent if paired with a healthy diet, regular exfoliation, and lightweight moisturizer in the impacted areas. Keep fabrics worn in this area flexible and a little loose, and be sure to clean skin before and after sweaty activities. But what about in cases where cleaning first isn’t always an option?

Sweat and Makeup

As beautiful as we are with or without makeup, we don’t feel that way when our faces are covered in layers of foundation and sticky sweat. Excess sweat looks anything but sweet, and a subtle glow is easily transformed into a disco ball that feels just as uncomfortable as it looks.

As we start to sweat, sweat escapes our pores and fills around any trapped debris, dry skin, and makeup on the surface. Makeup layers cover the pores and keep all that yucky stuff trapped inside. With a quick mixture of heat and friction, we have the perfect storm for a pimple.

When we add water (sweat) to layers of powder, we’re creating a cakey mess that leaves pores clogged. Sweat can settle into lines and cause creases, or cause creases to worsen. How do we beat this unhappy heat?

With makeup and sweat, the best defense is a good offense. We start with natural skin care to clarify excess sebum while calming and balancing the skin. Keeping pores clear using exfoliants keeps dead skin out of the way and off our faces where it definitely doesn’t belong.

In our makeup prep step, add a protective layer that keeps excess gunk out of pores and prolongs the life of our makeup. Along-wearingg, silicone-free primer works wonders at protecting the skin – not just from breakouts but from poor makeup applications. You should also choose a foundation that’s compatible with your skin types and activity levels.

As a last layer of acne defense, use an herbal face mist and Anti Bacterial Blotting Paper. This paper helps to absorb oil and light sweat, while the motion of pressing the paper (rather than swiping or dragging) helps keep our original makeup in place.

If you’re thoroughly cleansing skin before and after sweating, wearing the proper fabrics, and using the most suitable products for your skin, sweat shouldn’t be as big of a threat for breakouts. But if you’re hit with a breakout, bust out your acne treatment team!

Recommended Skincare Regimen with 100% PURE

Maintaining a consistent skincare routine is essential for managing acne, especially if sweat is a frequent part of your daily life. At 100% PURE, we offer a comprehensive regimen designed to cleanse, tone, treat, and moisturize your skin while addressing acne concerns.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to keeping your skin clear and healthy:

Step 1: Cleanse

As you return home from your workout, the first thing you reach for is the Tea Tree & Willow Clarifying Cleanser. This isn’t just any cleanser–it’s your first line of defense against post-sweat breakouts. With a gentle lather, this cleanser works its way into your pores, lifting away the day’s impurities and excess oils. Enriched with tea tree and willow, the cleanse doesn’t just clean; it battles acne-causing bacteria and soothes inflamed skin, setting a fresh, clean canvas for the steps to come.

Step 2: Tone

Next, you grab the Fermented Rice Water Toner. Picture the toner as a refreshing splash of nutrients for your skin, helping to refine your pores and balance oil production. The fermented rice water, rich in vitamins and minerals, works to clarify your complexion, ensuring that any residue left behind after cleansing is wiped away. Your skin feels balanced and ready, with pores appearing tighter and less prone to trapping sweat and oils.

Step 3: Treat

So at this point, you’ve cleansed and toned, and you’re feeling refreshed. You gaze in the mirror, and…what’s that? A potential breakout?

Fear not! The Tea Tree Concentrated Spot Treatment is here to save the day! With assisted precision, you apply this potent treatment to the trouble spots. With each little squeeze and dab, the powerful blend of tea tree oil and witch hazel gets to work, reducing inflammation and curbing bacteria before a full-blown blemish can erupt. This step is your targeted attack against acne, stopping breakouts in their tracks and preventing future ones from forming.

Step 4: Moisturize

Finally, it’s time to hydrate your skin without the fear of clogging pores. Enter the Hydra Drench Cream, a lightweight moisturizer that feels like a cold drink of water for your face. The soothing
Description: A lightweight moisturizer that hydrates without clogging pores. The soothing Nopal cactus and hydrating chia seed gel absorb effortlessly, leaving your skin feeling soft and nourished. This moisturizer ensures that your skin remains hydrated and balanced, warding off the dryness that can lead to excess oil production and subsequent breakouts.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sweat and Acne

How do bacteria contribute to acne after sweating?

When you sweat, your skin becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Sweat itself isn’t the direct cause of acne, but when it mixes with the natural oils on your skin, it creates an ideal environment for bacteria to thrive. This bacteria can clog pores, leading to inflammation and the formation of acne. To minimize this risk, it’s essential to cleanse your skin regularly, especially after sweating.

What steps can I take to prevent acne caused by sweat?

To prevent acne from sweat, consider the following steps:

Shower immediately after sweating to remove sweat, bacteria, and oils from your skin.
Wear breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics to help reduce sweat buildup on your skin.
Avoid tight clothing that can trap sweat and irritate your skin.
Use a gentle cleanser after sweating to remove impurities without stripping your skin of its natural oils.
Keep your skin hydrated with a lightweight, non-comedogenic moisturizer.

Is there a difference between body sweat and facial sweat in causing acne?

Both body sweat and facial sweat can contribute to acne, but the causes and management may differ slightly. Facial skin often has more sebaceous (oil) glands, making it more prone to acne. Body acne, commonly found on the back and chest, is often exacerbated by friction from clothing and prolonged exposure to sweat. While both types of sweat can clog pores and harbor bacteria, maintaining good hygiene and using appropriate skincare products for each area can help manage acne effectively.

How can I prevent makeup from causing acne when I sweat?

To prevent makeup from causing acne when you sweat:

Opt for non-comedogenic makeup products that are less likely to clog pores.
Use a mattifying primer to create a barrier between your skin and makeup, reducing the chance of pores becoming clogged.
Apply a setting spray to keep makeup in place and minimize the mixing of makeup with sweat.
Blot sweat gently with a clean tissue or blotting paper instead of wiping, which can spread bacteria and oils.
Cleanse your skin thoroughly at the end of the day to remove all traces of makeup and sweat.

How can I properly cleanse my skin before and after sweating to prevent acne?

Before sweating:

Cleanse your skin with a gentle, non-comedogenic cleanser to remove any makeup, dirt, and excess oil.
Apply a lightweight moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated without clogging pores.

After sweating:

Rinse off sweat as soon as possible with lukewarm water.
Use a gentle cleanser to remove sweat, bacteria, and oils without irritating your skin.
Apply a soothing toner to help balance your skin’s pH and tighten pores.
Moisturize with a non-comedogenic lotion to keep your skin hydrated and calm.

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